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Dear students, you are very welcome to join us for your International Mobility period (Erasmus + UE, Extra UE or other mobility programs). Please note that your studies are planned at the Department of Science and Methods for Engineering (DISMI), located in the Reggio Emilia Campus. For more details on where to find us, please refer to:

For more details on DISMI and UNIMORE international activities, please refer to:

You can choose freely the courses that you intend to follow from the bachelor and master degrees in Management Engineering and Mechatronical Engineering. For details, refer to the links below:

Bachelor Degree Course in Management Engineering

Bachelor Degree Course in Mechatronic Engineering

Master Degree Course in Management Engineering

Master Degree Course in Mechatronic Engineering

Master Degree in Digital Automation Engineering

Professionalizing Degree Course in Technologies for the Smart Industry

Please note that the Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering (DISMI) offers an additional scholarship intended for students who will be joining our Department to undertake research activities.

This grant is also compatible with the Erasmus+ scholarship, and will cover up to 6 months accommodation costs.

If you are willing to participate, please check the list of Traineeship Projects and apply following the instructions on the Call for Applications down below.

In case you need more information on  programs/activities/exams in those courses, please feel free to contact us at

ALLEGATO (Formato .pdf) : Traineeship proposals

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