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Erasmus+ is the European Union's program aimed at the mobility of students, faculty and technical administrative staff with the purpose of fostering study and training opportunities at European and, from A.Y. 2023/24, also non-European universities.

To foster student mobility, scholarships are made available each year under bilateral agreements with partner universities.

The Department of Engineering Science and Methods has activated agreements with a number of universities in different countries, including Germany, Denmark, Turkey, Poland, Spain, France, Portugal, Croatia, Mexico, Peru, Japan and many others. Erasmus+ allows the student to attend courses, take exams and carry out internship activities at the foreign location. In addition, the student has the opportunity to learn or consolidate knowledge of a new language and has the chance to make new acquaintances and approach a cultural, social and economic fabric different from that of Italy.

The experience abroad is also evaluated positively by companies and as a result it is possible to include within one's curriculum vitae the activity carried out to make it more attractive.

In the Erasmus+ program, each individual can carry out mobility abroad for Study or Traineeship more than once. Each student will be allowed a maximum of 12 months of mobility per study cycle.

Erasmus+ student status guarantees a number of opportunities and facilities such as:

possibility of paying university fees only at the home institution and being able to attend courses abroad without an additional fee. In addition, the insurance one benefits from at the home institution is extended to the destination institution for the period of stay abroad; all administrative procedures and contacts with foreign institutions are taken care of by the Student Mobility Office; possibility of having exams taken abroad recognized as exams included within one's study plan.

Those involved in activities concerning Erasmus are:

  • Student Mobility ( which handles the management and financial aspects of mobility reserved for students and University staff (faculty and administrative technicians). He deals with students participating in the Study and Internship Abroad Programs (Erasmus+ for EU and Extra-EU Study and Erasmus+ for Traineeship) and international students - “incoming students” - who come to our university facilities to carry out a period of mobility;
  • the Department Internationalization Delegate is the one who: activates international agreements with foreign venues; reviews applications and draws up the ranking list of students; agrees with the student on the package of courses to be taken abroad and signs the necessary documentation for departure; verifies the exams taken upon students' return and sends the material for the preparation of the recognition resolution to be submitted to the Departmental Council;
  • The Delegate relies on the collaboration of the Department Internationalization Committee, which cooperates and supports him in all stages of the relevant procedure, as well as a contact person from the Department Teaching Secretariat for Internationalization.



  • Around the months of January/February, the student mobility office publishes the notice on the “Calls and Tenders” page dedicated to student mobility, showing all the ways and rules to participate in the program;
  • the student submits the application exclusively by filling out the online application form at the web address according to the directions given in the “Guide to Completing and Submitting the Online Application.”
  • during the application phase, the Department organizes an informational meeting with students about foreign locations and to clarify any doubts;
  • Once the application deadline has expired, the Departmental Delegate for Internationalization and his staff evaluate the applications and draw up the ranking list. The basic criteria for the formulation of the rankings are: 

- Degree and credits: 13 points
- Final grade and average grade for taken examinations: 12 points
- Motivational interview (in which the congruence of the student's proposed activity with the university career and with the educational offer of the host university should be demonstrated) and language certificates: 8 points

  • Publication of the GRADUATORY, by the Student Mobility Office, on the University website.


  • Acceptance of the scholarship: send the acceptance form within 5 days after the publication of the rankings to the Office of International Relations and Student Mobility;
  • Completion of the Learning Agreement (LA), course list and course recognition forms: documents and information on completion are available on th MOODLE DISMI "International Mobility" section;
  • Registration at the host university: the winning student will have to independently find the information for the purpose of registration at the host university and arrange for the submission of the application form and the learning agreement - (please pay close attention to the deadlines set by the partner universities for the purpose of registration);
  • Signing Financial Agreement: signing the financial agreement during the Erasmus Day by date and place to be announced by the Office of International Relations and Student Mobility; a copy of the approved LA must also be handed in at that time;
  • Take a possible language assessment test in order to be able to identify the relative level of preparation (see Erasmus program guide for specifics)
  • You can contact ESN - Erasmus Student Network, the association of former Erasmus students whose purpose is the promotion of international student mobility. It provides informational and logistical support to incoming and outgoing students (


  • Upon arrival at the host university: send the fax/email confirming arrival at the host university and the learning agreement signed by the partner university (if not already done);
  • Possible completion of the necessary forms in case of changes in the learning agreement (instruction on MOODLE DISMI "International Mobility" section)
  • Before returning: request the International/Erasmus Relations Office of the host university to complete the certificate stating the exact period of study (exact start and end dates) and the issuance of the certificate of exams taken (Transcript of Records).


  • Delivery of the documents required by the Financial Agreement to the mobility office. These include the Certificate Attesting to the Study Abroad Period. Those who fail to deliver the Certificate attesting to the study period abroad by the deadline will be required to return the full amount received and will not be entitled to the supplementary contribution allocated by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
  • send the Transcript of Records to the mobility Coordinators for exam validation.

The delegate, once the checks have been made, sends the Departmental Education Secretariat's Erasmus contact person the documentation for the validation of the exams to be included within a Departmental Council minute for approval. The minutes, which are finally approved in the Department Council, are sent to the student secretariats for updating the transcripts and posted on the website in a restricted area for student consultation.