Testo di presentazione
What is the Third Mission
Alongside the University's traditional missions of teaching and research, the ‘Third Mission’ concerns the activities of scientific, technological and cultural transfer and the productive transformation of knowledge with civil society and the business fabric, so that scientific knowledge and the academic cultural heritage can be synergistically integrated with society to achieve benefits of a social, cultural and economic nature.
Third mission activities can be identified along two main lines:
- The mission of economic valorisation of the knowledge produced by research as useful knowledge for industrial and entrepreneurial purposes (e.g. contract research and research-industry relations, intellectual property management, the creation of spinoffs and innovative start-ups);
- The cultural and social mission, aimed at increasing the wellbeing of society in the educational (continuous training), cultural and social (scientific dissemination, events and cultural heritage) spheres
The following activities fall within the Third Mission:
- Technical and/or scientific consultancy (third parties)
- Industrial research contracts
- Continuous training
- Public engagement (conferences, lectures, public events, presentations)
DISMI Third Mission Delegate
Prof. Alessandro Bertacchini
e-mail: alessandro.bertacchini@unimore.it