The Joint Teachers-Student Committee ("CPDS", i.e. Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti) is a departmental committee composed of an equal number of teachers and students, possibly representative of all the Degree Programmes ("CdS") belonging to the Department.
In order to guarantee its impartiality, no members of the CPDS may include the CdS Presidents, the members of the CdS QA Management Teams, the Department Directors/Faculty Presidents, the Department Quality Managers (RQD) and the members of the Departmental Quality Commissions.
The CPDS is coordinated by a teacher chosen from among the CPDS members.
The main task of the CPDS is to provide an annual report for each degree programme, which takes into consideration the entire educational offering, with particular reference to the results of the student opinion survey, indicating any problems specific to individual study programmes.
The annual report of the CPDS, based on elements of independent analysis (and not only on the QA documents of the CdSs), is transmitted to the Ministry of University and must reach the Evaluation Board (NdV), the University Quality Assurance Committee (PQA), as well as the Departments/Faculties and the CdSs concerned, which receive it and take action to develop proposals for improvement (in collaboration with the CPDS. Relevant aspects of this process must be highlighted in both the reports of the NdV and the RRCs.
The CPDS also has the following tasks:
- monitoring the range of the educational offering and of the quality of teaching, as well as the service activities provided to students by professors and researchers;
- identifying indicators for the evaluation of results;
- formulating proposals for the improvement of the CdS Quality;
- formulating advices on the activation and discontinuation of degree programmes.
Francesco Lolli (teacher - President),
Antonella Sola (teacher),
Letizia Bizzi (student),
Gabriele De Nisco (student),
Giovanni Giaroni (student),
Veronica Giuliani (student)