Below you can find the main information of interest to incoming students in DISMI's courses of study.
To get some guidance on how to prepare for the first days of university, there is a dedicated page on the Department's website (UNIVERStart) where you can find explanations of the terms you need to know and have a list of activities to do to get started.
All information on matriculation and enrollment procedures can be found on the dedicated pages of the general University website.
Students who intend to matriculate for the Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering and the Bachelor of Science in Technologies for Intelligent Industry must have taken an online test called TOLC in order to be eligible for admission calls. For students planning to matriculate in the three-year Bachelor of Engineering Management degree program, the TOLC is recommended. The purpose of the test is to allow the student to assess his or her level of preparation on the disciplines that will form the basis of the subsequent course of study. For the preparation of the TOLC and the assessment of the results, DISMI, like most Engineering Departments, makes use of the work of the CISIA consortium (
The Department organizes OFA Courses in Mathematics divided into an intensive course to be held before the start of classes and a second course to be held during the class period. These courses are aimed at students who have been assigned Additional Educational Obligations (OFAs) based on their online test result. .
In addition, the University's freshmen can take the English Language Placement Test, an English language proficiency assessment test organized by the University Language Center (CLA). The English Language Placement Test, in addition to providing an indication of the level of initial preparation, may follow up with the recognition of English language proficiency and the awarding of related credits.