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The responsible for the Quality of the PhD Programme is the Programme Coordinator. Under his responsibility, the Annual Formative and Scientific Project Sheet and the Annual Monitoring and Review Report are drawn up. Also under the Coordinator's responsibility, the Cyclical Review Report (RRC) is prepared every three years. All Quality Assurance activities are conducted with the active involvement of the CdS teachers and other stakeholders, in particular doctoral students, through their representatives, and the members of the Advisory Committee.
The Advisory Committee is chaired by the Doctorate Coordinator and is composed of high-profile academics, associated with both Italian and international universities and institutions. In addition, the Committee includes authoritative representatives from the world of work and society. The Advisory Committee plays an advisory and guiding role with regard to the scientific and educational project of the PhD programme and the identification of job opportunities.
A Review Team is set up within the Doctoral Programme, consisting of the Coordinator, two teachers who are members of the College and a representative of the doctoral students. The Review Group supports the Coordinator in the annual monitoring and periodic review activities.
The Doctoral Programme prepares the Self-Assessment Sheet on the occasion of the Periodic Accreditation (if the Course is selected by ANVUR).



PhD Programme Coordinator: Prof. Franco Zambonelli

The Quality Assurance management team consists of:

Franco Zambonelli (coordinator)

Lorenzo Sabattini, (teacher) 

Riccardo Pelaccia, (teacher)


Members of the Review Team: 

Prof. Lorenzo Sabattini, Prof.ssa Barbara Reggiani, Dott. Carlo Carotenuto (PhD student)