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Tutoring is a service offered by the Department, with the aim of orienting and assisting students throughout their studies, to make them active participants in the educational process, removing obstacles and difficulties related to the university world.

To know better services that could help you, consult the

Brief guide to tutoring services (in Italian)

DISMI offers different tools to supports/helps students:

Prof. Claudio Giberti
tel. 0522 52 2632 - fax. 0522 52 2609

Tutor lecturers are available for students of the six Degree Programmes.

Currently, the tutors are the following lecturers (for phone references, e-mail and office hours click on the name):

Degree ProgrammesTutor
Bachelor Degree in Management EngineeringStefania Monica
Barbara Reggiani
Paolo Emilio Santangelo
Paula Ungureanu
Bachelor Degree in Mechatronical EngineeringRoberto Rosa
Elena Rossi
Degree in Technologies for the Smart IndustryMarco Cavazzuti
Fabrizio Paltrinieri
Master Degree in Management EngineeringFrancesco Lolli
Master Degree in Mechatronical EngineeringMatteo Strozzi
Master Degree in Digital Automation EngineeringMarco Picone
Master Degree in Energy EngineeringAntonella Sola

Lecturers of all subjects propose reception hours for students. The hours are indicated on each lecturer's personal pages found in the University Address Book at “Student Reception.”

Courses are available for students engaged in the study of core subjects, such as:

     FIRST SEMESTER:      

  • Mathematical Analysis A (Mechatronics Engineering)
  • Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis (Management Engineering)
  • Physics I (Mechatronics Engineering)
  • Geometry and Linear Algebra (Management and Mechatronics Engineering)
  • Rational Mechanics (Mechatronics Engineering)
  • Physics II (Management Engineering)

                                     Courses schedule - first semester



  • Mathematical Analysis B (Mechatronics Engineering)
  • General Physics I (Management Engineering)
  • Applied Mathematics (Management Engineering)
  • Construction Science (Mechatronics Engineering)

                                     Course schedule - second semester

For students who have not fulfilled their Additional Formative Obligations (OFA, in Italian), support courses (OFA Courses) are organised to help to pass the OFA Remedial Test.

The Classroom Tutor is a student who, in the training process, is a point of reference for course colleagues, acting as a mediator and facilitator. He/she facilitates communication between students and lecturer, provides assistance in the ‘classroom’ and provides support for study and study method.

The Classroom Tutors for 2024/25 a.y. are:

Degree ProgrammeTutorE-mail
Management EngineeringGioffreda

BSc Mechatronical Engineering

Digital Automation Engineering


MSc Mechatronical Engineering

Technologies for Smart Industries


To find out the schedule of Classroom Tutors' receptions, please consult the pages dedicated to tutoring on the Moodle platform (you need to log in with your UNIMORE credentials and click on “Classroom Tutors”, signing up for the page).

The Welcome and Tutorial Desk is a point of reference for international students, who need efficient support and comprehensive assistance in their first moments at the university.

For the academic year 2024/25 you can contact the student:


Stachezzini Alice

For more information consult the Moodle page.

A psychological counselling and wellbeing service is active, offering individual counselling to students who are experiencing situations of anxiety and uncertainty in the university and non-university environment.

The desk will be open every Monday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 at the ex-Presidency Office in the Buccola-Bisi Pavilion.

The Department also benefits from specific actions implemented by the University through the Study Orientation and Tutoring Office, aimed at ensuring the reduction of drop-outs in the first year of degree courses.

The Tutoring Guidelines provide for the implementation of monitoring and support actions for freshmen, starting from their entry into the university world.

The monitoring of students' careers, already in the first phase of entry, makes it possible to identify difficulties on the basis of the presence or absence of OFAs and credits acquired during the first semester.

As a result of the data collected at the various stages of the study path, the following types of actions are envisaged, to which all students may have access, even by themselves:

  1. individual interviews with the guidance counsellor: this helps the student to focus on the reasons for his/her choice and to consider them in the light of any difficulties that may have arisen during the first few months. The aim of individual counseling is to develop greater awareness of the choice made so as to confirm it or support the student in defining a new project involving a move to another course of study (re-orientation);


  2. training on the study method: at the link you can find a course on the study method that UNIMORE has created to support students during their university career.  This is a short course, for all students, consisting of video lessons that can be used at home with some materials proposed for practice and an assessment test. The course ends with a final test and the awarding of a certificate.

On the Department website, under Student FAQs, you can find all the answers to the most frequently asked questions from DISMI students on their university career, exams, internships, etc.