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Departmental Quality Assurance is part of the overall University Quality Assurance system. The Department has full responsibility for both the Educational and the Research and Third Mission/Social Impact activities. For this reason, the Accreditation of Universities, in addition to the QA of Courses of Study (CdS), for which the Departments are primarily responsible, drawing up and approving their arrangements and didactic regulations, and arranging coverage of educational activities, also provides for the QA of Research and Third Mission/Social Impact activities.

The processes for the QA of Research and Third Mission/Social Impact activities define the responsibilities and operational methods through which the Department pursues, implements and monitors the Quality of Research and Third Mission/Social Impact. Responsibility for Research and Third Mission Quality lies with the Director, who operates within an organisational structure defined in the Department Regulations.

As regards QA processes, the Department has the following tasks:


  • redact the Department's Three-Year Plan, with the definition of the Educational, Research and Third Mission/Social Impact objectives to be pursued, and with the related identification and implementation of the actions to achieve them as well as the necessary resources. The Department shares strategic objectives defined at the University level and also adopts any specific objectives consistent with its scientific and cultural vocations. Awaiting possible revisions by ANVUR, the Department's Three-Year Plan incorporates the SUA-RD and the strategic planning of departmental research;
  • define transparent criteria for the distribution of resources, understood as human, economic and infrastructural resources;
  • monitor the activities and verify the actual degree of achievement of the objectives themselves, preparing an annual Monitoring Report;
  • carry out a self-assessment of the implementation of the Research and Third Mission/Social Impact activities and of the results achieved compared to those expected. At the same time identify strengths and areas for improvement and envisage possible corrective actions. The review activity is documented in an Annual Report.

DISMI has formalized its organisation, responsibilities, roles and main processes relevant to the Quality Assurance of Education, Research and Third Mission in its Management Manual.