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Testo di presentazione


The Department of Sciences and Method for Engineering is characterised by a strong interdisciplinary nature. In fact, it hosts research activities of excellence covering the fields of engineering subjects and physical-mathematical sciences. These activities are strongly integrated with both the local industrial context and the international scientific context and DISMI researchers are active in international, national and local research projects. The activities of the research groups mainly cover the areas of Management Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Energy Engineering and Basic Sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry,...) and are organised in the context of seven laboratories and three Interdepartmental Research Centres: InterMech, a centre for applied research and services in advanced mechanics and motor engineering, En&Tech, which operates in the field of efficient energy conversion and energy efficiency in buildings, lighting and home automation, and H2 MO.RE. dedicated to the emerging issues of hydrogen production, storage and use for tomorrow's sustainable mobility and industry.


DISMI Research Delegate
Prof. Marco Cocconcelli


DISMI Funding for Research and Technology Transfer
