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DISMI Internal Projects


Project Red is a student-driven project formed in 2019 at the Reggio Emilia Department of Sciences and Method for Engineering. It was born from the desire to create a reference point in the area for students with a strong passion for robotics and aerospace sector and eager to apply the knowledge acquired during their degree in Mechatronics Engineering or Management Engineering.


Interdepartmental student projects run by the Contamination Lab, the space for innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The goal is to create a multidisciplinary and extracurricular proposal open to students from all departments:

  • ICARO UNIMORE is an experimental project of UNIMORE that trains and coaches students in innovation and entrepreneurship, in a path of excellence based on concrete experiences that bring young people closer to the entrepreneurial realities of the territory and their business culture;
  • TAAC - Training for Automotive Companies Creation, is an innovative academic entrepreneurship training course specifically for the automotive sector;
  • Challenge Based Innovation (CBI) is a project in which teams of multidisciplinary students and their coaches collaborate with CERN researchers to discover new solutions for the future of humanity. The projects are an elaborate synthesis, in which technologies derived from the research taking place at CERN, meet the needs of society and the needs of people;
  • SUGAR is an international network that brings together multidisciplinary students from different universities and challenges them to solve real-world product development challenges;
  • Startup JAM is the event dedicated to students, recent graduates, doctoral students, researchers and UNIMORE faculty who want to put their entrepreneurial ideas into play;
  • BellaCOOPia is a course promoted by Legacoop Emilia Ovest in collaboration with UNIMORE. It aims to promote knowledge of cooperative enterprise jointly with the development of innovative projects.