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Project Financed by the Ministry of University and Research through the PON Research and Innovation Programme 2014-2020 and FSC

Duration: 42 months  (2018-2022)

Scientific responsible: Prof. Cesare Fantuzzi

Objectives: ICOSAF aims at technologies and systems for the cooperative factory with increasing integration of the operator according to the concepts of Industry 4.0 (interconnected automation) and 5.0 (humanisation and reuse of resources).
This vision includes mobile and stationary robotics, active quality and machine monitoring systems to aid the operator and AGVs functionally interacting with humans and the environment.
The integration of such systems in the smart factory brings improvements in productivity, quality, flexibility and ergonomics.

The enhancement of operators, assisted by automated systems in low value-added operations, allows a more pervasive use of human intelligence and flexibility together with the high performance that automation brings.
All this makes the factory more competitive and attractive, with job growth and improved working conditions.


More information can be found at: