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Administrative and Managerial Officer: Dott.ssa Grazia Cattani (


Activities of direct responsibility:

  • Coordination of activities upon direct indication of the Department Director;
  • Coordination of the administrative services staff in carrying out their duties;
  • Administrative and accounting support for teaching, research and third mission activities;
  • Support for the Departmental Bodies both for the electoral processes of establishment and renewal and for the carrying out of the sessions (e.g. preparation of the agenda, instruction of the procedures, recording of the minutes, etc.);
  • Support for the planning, management and monitoring of the budget assigned by the University and of the Department's own revenue and management of all the deriving documents;
  • Support for the processes of ensuring teaching and research and the performance measurement system. Management of relations with the Central Administration;
  • Coordination and management of the administrative and accounting activities of the Interdepartmental Centers Intermech Mo.Re., En&tech and H2-Mo.Re.

Manager: Anna Brisci

Personnel: Francesca Capitini, Federica Fanti and Serena Pratola.


Main activities:

  • Support to the Department Director, to the Presidents of the Study Course Councils, to the commissions and to the department delegates for education activities;
  • Support to the Departmental Bodies both for the electoral processes of establishment and renewal and for the conduct of the sessions (e.g. preparation of the agenda, instruction of procedures, recording of minutes, etc.);
  • Preparation and management of the Course Catalogue;
  • Assistance in drafting the Review Reports and the SUA-CdS;
  • Support in relations with the University Quality Control Unit and with the University Evaluation Unit;
  • Management of the Department's Internationalization Projects (Erasmus + for study, Traineeship, MoreOverseas, etc.) of Agreements with foreign universities and administrative assistance to the Department Delegate for international relations;
  • Administrative management of teaching and research staff of the Department; Support for the planning and management of obligations relating to the assignments of teaching activities to external personnel;
  • Administrative management of Masters and Specialization Courses;
  • Management of incoming student orientation initiatives and assistance to the Delegate for study orientation and tutoring;
  • Organization and management of internships, both on the student side and on the business side and assistance to the Delegate for job orientation;
  • Collaboration with the Student Secretariat on student careers and issuing notices of interest of the DISMI Courses (planned accesses, accesses to Master's Degrees);
  • Information support to students and teachers on the teaching organization and Esse3 issues;
  • Updating the Department website regarding teaching information;
  • Keeping the Protocol Register, files and repertoires for the documents under its responsibility.

Manager: Dott. Gerardo De Luca

Personnel: Maria Corradini, Alessandra Maccarini, Anna Maria Marra, Massimo Vincenzi, Maria Teresa Picariello, Chiara Elena Savignano, Maria Grazia Salamina, Antima Russo.

Main activities:

  • Reporting of national, european and international institutional funding for research, teaching and third mission;
  • Preparation of the relevant supporting documents accounting, fiscal and administrative management of active contracts;
  • Support for purchasing planning and accounting, fiscal and administrative management of purchases of goods and services in accordance with University rules and regulations;
  • Accounting and administrative management of passive contracts for the procurement of goods and services;
  • Accounting and administrative management of movable assets (e.g. machinery inventory, acquisition and management of donations, loan contracts for the use of equipment, etc.);
  • Replenishment of the economic fund in compliance with national regulations and University regulations. Administrative management of technical-administrative staff;
  • Management of the administrative, accounting and fiscal aspects of other contractual forms for the selection, stipulation, execution and conclusion of employment and training relationships (e.g. research grants, doctoral students , fixed-term researchers, scholarships and prizes, etc.) and for collaborations of another nature (collaborations, professional services, visiting professors and researchers for research, etc.) to support research, teaching and other types of activities activities envisaged by current legislation;
  • Management of administrative, accounting and fiscal practices linked to the payment of fees, missions, reimbursements;
  • Support and consultancy for the preparation of agreements with external parties for the financing of doctoral scholarships, scholarships and grants of research, of fixed-term researcher positions;
  • Keeping of the Protocol Register, files and repertoires for the documents within its competence;
  • Administrative management of the Doctoral School and front office problems for PhD students;
  • Coordination and management of the administrative and accounting activities of Interdepartmental Centers Intermech Mo. Re., En&tech and H2-Mo.Re.