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General Informations

LM-31 Class of Master's Degrees in Management Engineering



According to Law 270/2004, in order to access Master's Degree Programs, it is mandatory to apply for initial assessment on one's three-year career before matriculating. The evaluation is carried out by submitting an application from within the deadlines specified in the admission notice.

The course of study presents itself

The Master's Degree in Management Engineering pursues the objective of training a professional figure capable of tackling complex management and organizational problems of an interdisciplinary nature, appropriately combining technological and management skills. The master's degree graduate in Management Engineering is therefore capable not only of analyzing, using interdisciplinary approaches, complex economic-productive systems and processes in both industry and services, but also possesses a body of knowledge that gives him or her design and decision-making skills in environments where management and organizational problems interact with technological ones.  To this end, the Master's Degree in Management Engineering provides adequate application skills of the basic areas dedicated to optimization in management, in 'sustainability analysis as well as in all the main technological application areas of industrial and/or information engineering in addition to those more specific to Management Engineering. The degree program is divided into four areas: 1) ICT-Data management, 2) ICT-Digital and creative industries, 3) Manufacturing-Energy, 4) Manufacturing-Goods and services.


Presentation of the Course of Study (slides)
Info e Contatti
Info and contacts

President of the Management Engineering Interclass Council:
Prof.ssa Monia Montorsi
Phone: +39 0522 522639

Organi del CdS
Course of Study Governance

Informations on: Study Program Council, Steering Committee, Student Representatives


At the following link you can view the study plan by selecting the academic year of your matriculation cohort from the drop-down menu at the top.

Other useful information:

elective courses