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A Programme Transition means the possibility for a student, enrolled in a degree programme at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, to change to another programme of study activated in UniMoRe.

Following the University reform introduced with Ministerial Decree 270/2004, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has adapted all its degree programmes to the new regulations.

Enrolled UniMORe students are given the opportunity to continue their career in the same degree programme or to switch to the new arrangement of the same programme by requesting a "change of arrangement" following the same procedure indicated for the change of programme.

All that is required is to submit the transfer application as described below. The student may have to take the initial knowledge assessment test and the Placement Test again if admitted to the first year.

It is possible to transfer to a master's degree programme only if you meet the curricular entry requirements.

After applying for a change of programme or arrangement, it is possible to attend classes at the new degree programme.

At the Department of Sciences and Method for Engineering the following degree programmes are active, pursuant to DM 270/04:  

  • Bachelor's Degree in Management Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree in Mechatronics Engineering
  • Master's Degree in Management Engineering
  • Master's Degree in Mechatronics Engineering
  • Master's Degree in Digital Automation Engineering
  • Professional Degree in Technologies for Smart Industry

It is possible to apply for a change of programme or arrangement to a DISMI study programme from the opening of enrolment (approximately mid-July) to 31 December of each calendar year. The deadlines must be strictly respected.

For the administrative procedure, consult the student secretariat page:

The resolution of the Departmental Council will be published in the ‘Student Regulations’ accessible with the University credentials from the reserved area of the website