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Transfer from another Ateneo (incoming) is the method by which a student enrolled at another Ateneo asks to be transferred to the same or another programme of study, of the same level, at this University.
At the Department of Sciences and Method for Engineering the following degree programmes are active, pursuant to DM 270/04:  

  • Bachelor's Degree in Management Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree in Mechatronics Engineering
  • Master's Degree in Management Engineering
  • Master's Degree in Mechatronics Engineering
  • Master's Degree in Digital Automation Engineering
  • Professional Degree in Technologies for Smart Industry

It is possible to apply for a change of programme or arrangement to a DISMI study programme from the opening of enrolment (approximately mid-July) to 31 December of each calendar year. The deadlines must be strictly respected.

For the administrative procedure, consult the student secretariat page:

The resolution of the Departmental Council will be published in the ‘Student Regulations’ accessible with the University credentials from the reserved area of the website