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A graduated/lapsed/withdrawn student who wishes to undertake a new university career at DISMI can request recognition of the exams taken in the previous career.

The request must be submitted to the Student Secretariat of one's own degree programme so that it may be forwarded to the DISMI Student Practices Committee for evaluation. Any recognition is a discretionary act.

It is important to emphasise that as of the date on which Law no. 240 of 30.12.2010 came into force (29th January 2011), new recognitions may not include more than 12 credits for extra-university activities, between Level I and Level II courses (Bachelor and Master of Science).

It is permitted to apply for recognition of previous careers for students who graduated/declined/retired during the enrolment period. Any exceptions will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.


For the administrative procedure, consult the student secretariat page:

The resolution of the Departmental Council will be published in the ‘Student Regulations’ accessible with the University credentials from the reserved area of the website